So, I'm about to go to sleep, and this sentence popped in my head:

"We need to stop having what we like and start liking what we have"

Jadi sebenernya kalimat ini terinspirasi dari kehidupan sma yang rada2 (RADA??) Gila.

first, everything is happpening SO FAST. Its like life is accelerating. Of course it doesn't mean time get faster, there's still 24 hours a day, 60 minutes in an hour, 60 second in a minute etc. What actually happening is, life gets "denser". At the end of my senior year in JHS things are slow, enjoyable, and relaxed. But once I enter highschool, I feel like I'm in a race. So much to do, so much to adapt to, so much to master and I have to do it all as fast as I could. And then things just start to get crazy. Life in highschool is hard, I know, specially here. It will always be hard, I will always be in a race with my friend, it'll always be stressful, so why not embrace it and start enjoying it?

I found that there's no use by saying stuff like this:
"Tau gini gue ga masuk 8 deh"
"Duh pusiiing pengen pindah sekolaaaah"
"Aduh gue remed mulu emang gue bego ya"

Point is, mau lo ngomong kaya gitu berapakali pun lo gabakal bisa ngulang waktu dan milih sma lain, lo juga gabakal pindah sekolah, dan gabakal jadi pinter juga. So stop expecting our surroundings to make us feel good and start feeling good about our surroundings. Berenti mengenin hidup lo jadi santai, enak, selow, dsb dan mulai menikmati kesibukan2 itu sendiri. Buat kesibukan2 itu jadi enjoyable, buat keruwetan2 itu jadi simple, buat keburu2an jadi selow. Keep it simple. Kalo gue sih ya gampang nya: set little goals one by one and do it one at a time. Pelan pelan aja dilakuin sedikit2 direncanain yg efisien dan lakuin satu2. Dan gausah overstressed juga kalo hasil ngga sesuai harapan. Nilai jelek ya remed, selow aja. Iyalah pasti lah ber- "MATEMATIKA Y U NO STOP MAKE MY HEAD CENUT CENUT ALL THE TIME?" Atau "BIOLOGI Y U SO PHP?" atau "REMED KENAPA LO SELALU NGIKUTIN GUE???" Pastilah, tapi gausah sampe ekstrim juga. Toh lo gabakal mati juga gara2 remed matematika. Jalanin aja dan enjoy aja. Embrace what we have. A lot of people want to have what we have and they can't. Percuma ngeliat sisi negatif dan selalu mempermasalahkan, ngga akan ngubah keadaaan. Mending di enjoy aja and life will be so much more awesome!